UPDATE: http://vpalos.com/1165/loomiere-2-0-1-beta-finally-out/
«Update… Today this machine reached 6500+ active concurrent connections for a total traffic of 2841.19 Mbps (2778.1 output + 63.09 input) while the SSD’s were still below 20% load. Now that’s what I call serious FUN! 😀 Here are some pictures…
Since my last post about describing the performance of Loomiere in production, quite a few things have happened. I tested a lot and found many things I would like to improve or add, I tried many hardware configurations to see what goes well with what. In short, I have a whole list of things I want to implement as soon as possible and the most important item on this list is to actually launch Loomiere to the public as soon as possible! 🙂
However, here is a quick update on the performance of Loomiere, but this time with a nice twist: it’s running on a SSD-based machine! Here are some specs:
- Intel Core I7 3GHz
- 12 GB RAM
- 6 x 256GB SSD Kingston
- 3 x 1 Gigabit Ethernet cards
- Ubuntu Lucid Lynx with 2.6.37-12-server kernel
And here are the results after only a few hours from launch (graphs follow):
- 4500+ active oncurrent connections (streams)
- 300+ MB/s of throughput (aprox. 2500 Gbps)
However, at this point we hit a wall: the mainboard or the kernel. I have to dig into this problem further, but from what I could gather so far, it seems that the mainboard or the Linux kernel can’t handle more punishment. Following are the CPU and memory graphs; it is clear that while the memory has no worries, the CPU is hogging! The problem lies somewhere between the I/O operations and the actual sending of data to the sockets (interrupts maybe?). More testing will follow regarding this issue.
Hmm… this is a deep one.
So, that’s it for now, I’m going to sleep. Good night :).
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